Sunday, May 15, 2011

wawa sandwich meets a culture basher!

okay so earlier today i  went to get my favorite sandwich at wawa and as i was waiting for mine to be made i could not help but hear the sandwich making employee talkiing very loudly to her coworker. She was talking about her cousins who live in Naples, Italy. She said that everytime they come to visit it is so annoying because all they do is complain about how fat and rufe americans are. Then she added that they were qp times more annoying simply because they are italian. and finally she said she hates when they come because they can not understand that the rules in Italy are not the same as here in the us. I just thought it was hilarious how she was so blunt about all of this, it seemed about as stereotypical american as you can get! not to mention, i wanted my sandwich and she was just blabbing away with no care in the world! i guess im pretty American too....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Clever Commercial!

Okay so the other day I saw this commercial for the first time and I thought it was really funny and clever! Like I would totally love to do that to my kids if I had them! But today my Grandmother was talking about this commercial and she thought it was a disgrace that anyone would ever do that to their kids! So I guess that shows the differences between a 15 year old and a 65 year old.....and I kinda think it has to do with the way both of us were brought up in such different time periods!