Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Day of Spring!

It's finally finally the first day of Spring, and for most of my friends, that is synonomous with one thing in particular- free Rita's water ice. So I was thinking about it as I stood in line earlier, and I realized that on any other day a regular sized water ice only costs about 2 dollars. This seems kind of funny becuase I then realized that so many people stand in insanely long lines for free Rita's on the first day of spring, yet it barely costs anything to begin with! I think this is pretty funny, and also pretty typical of our culture. We honeslty will do almost anything for something if it's free, no effort involved. That is just the way we like it! And free food is even more thrilling for most of us teenagers. It really is the little things in life that make us the most content sometimes.

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