Sunday, April 17, 2011


On Friday night I attended CSW's prom. and it was my first prom ever. Going into it I had pretty high expectations and I was thinking it was going to be sooo much fun, but afterwards I realized it really was not all I had expected. I think that TV shows and movies depict prom as being the best night ever or just being wonderful, yet the image they portray is a little skewed. I mean I'm not saying it was horrible or that I did not enjoy myself, because that's not the case, it just felt different than how I thought it would. It was over so quick and then I was like whoa, it's over? I don't know, it was just a weird feeling. I think that's another example of how the media in America is not always accurate, they tend to exaggerate a bit I would say. Oh well, it reallly was an awesome experience, I just expected something more!

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