Sunday, April 3, 2011

Twinkie minion cupcakes= easy entertainment!

Today my older brother, who is almost 18, decided he, his girlfriend, and I were going to make some really cool cupcakes. They were themed after the minion characters from the movie "Despicable Me" and they turned out aboslutely adorable! Once we finished our decorating, all three of us were so proud and felt so accomplished.. When I realized just how satisfied we were with our cupcakes, it occurred to me how easily entertained we could be. I think this actually speaks for the majority of America's teenagers, the littlest things can give us hours of laughs or fun, which I think is great.I also realized how lucky we are that we have the ability to do little fun things like this whenever we want to. There are so many people out there who would never be able to do that. So I guess even though in America our culture may seem all business at first glance, we know how to enjoy ourselves too, at least while we're still young. Oh,, and the cupcakes were delicious too!

1 comment:

  1. I love those cupcakes! I agree with you that teenagers are easily entertained. We can make something so small or stupid fun.
